More Than Adequate

At the end of one of my seminars in Orlando a couple of months ago, one of the participants (let's call him Joe) walked up to me and said, "Sunny, thank you for addressing your accent at the start of the course."

He said this to me because of how I began the class . . .

At the start of this particular 2-day class on emotional intelligence, I usually jokingly reference my unique accent. I do this because of the unconscious emotional reactions many people have to unfamiliar accents being heard the first time.

I began doing this about 5 years ago anytime I teach this class and I've received varied responses since then. But this was the first time someone had actually thanked me for doing it.

And I realized it's most likely because Joe also speaks with an accent that's unfamiliar to most North American ears.

For many who speak with an accent that's different from that of most people around them, it can create uncomfortable situations for them. This could, in turn, manifest in different ways:

  • Not speaking in work meetings even when they have great ideas

  • Refraining from engaging in discussions with coworkers

Many of these people shy away from addressing the elephant in the room because of how uncomfortable they feel. Without saying the words, it felt as if Joe was thanking me for showing him a way to handle that elephant.

If you're like Joe, remember that:

  • Everyone has an accent. Yours is only being noticed only because there are not many like you in that environment.

  • You are valuable to your company. Your ideas and contributions are important. If not, you won't have a job. So, speak up!

  • You speak with an accent because you most likely speak more than one language. Your diversity of background adds immense value to your team and your company.

 Instead of feeling awkward, embrace your gift and uniqueness in being multi-lingual. It is estimated that between 60-75% of the world's population speaks at least two languages, so you're in the majority.

Bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger was ridiculed for his accent while trying to break into Hollywood. He not only became the terminator. He was California's Governator!

You don't need to feel small or inadequate. In fact, you are more than adequate. You have something great to say and contribute to this world.

Say it in your beautiful accent!